Experiencing Chinese100-Popular Chinese Idioms Experiencing Chinese100-Popular Chinese Idioms (mit 1CD); ISBN:97870400205220 ; 213 Seiten ; Format 21,5 x13,3 cm,There are idioms that Chinese people usually ese during their daily life.If you have a good knowledge of these idioms,it will be much easier for you to make friends and speak with Chinese people. Included in this book is the essence of popular Chinese idioms .We have classified the idioms into 22 categories according to daily use including thanks and appreciation,apologizing,compliment,agreement,opposition,and so on,so that readers can easily find the desired idioms,remember them,and enjoy the flexibility of Chinese. The Features of this book are 1.Each idiom is paired with two short dialogues that truly reflect daily life .The dialogues are vivid,typical ; 2.All of the idioms are in Chinese and Pinyin with English translations and annotations; 3. Throughout the book ,there are many photographs and illustrations relating to the idioms.They are designed to help readers develop a deeper understanding of the idioms and of China's unique environment. 4. The appendix includes Allegorical Phrases and Proverbs. Best.Nr.: L637 9,50 EUR
Learn Chinese Through 100 Sentence Frames Learn Chinese Through 100 Sentence Frames, ISBN:9787802004054, 221 Seiten, Format:20,8cm x 14,0cm. "Learn Chinese Through 100 Sentence Frames" is for English speaker in the global community who are... 12,80 EUR
Practical Chinese for Business Practical Chinese for Business, mit 1 CD, ISBN:9787802004061, Format:28,5cm x 21,0cm, This book is featured by plain yet vivid episodes, which are both practial and lively for learning Chinese. Inf... 14,80 EUR
Hanyu kemu Kaoshizhinan Hanyu kemu Kaoshizhinan, ISBN:9787800529153, Format: 26 cm x 18,5 cm , Best.Nr.: L661 12,80 EUR
Confidence Chinese - Live in China Confidence Chinese 2, Live in China, ISBN 9781845700225, Chinese-English It is a textbook written for beginners who would like to learn Chinese and have little knowledge or experience of learning a foreign language. It can be used as a course-book for learners in universities, schools, language programmes and for private learning,with Vocabulary List and 1 CD. Format 26 x 18,5cm, 260 pages. Best. Nr. L662 24,00 EUR
Chinese GCSE Chinese GCSE aims to meet the needs of the following readers: (1) It aims to provide a complete and up-to-date revision guide to those who wish to take GCSE. It will be equally helpful to all types of GCSE learners, metting the needs of different ages, profession and educational levels.(2) We also hope that other Chinese learners with a proficiency level similar to GCSE will find this book resourceful and helpul.(2)It can also be used as a supplementary reference book and workbook for GCSE will find this book resourceful and helpful... ISBN:9781845700065, Format28,5 cm x 21 cm , Best. Nr.:L663 24,00 EUR
Zhongguohua,A Zhongguohua A, Lehrwerk für Chinesisch als Fremdsprache, ISBN: 9787100059640, Format: 26 cm x 21,5 cm , Best. Nr.: 32.267 19,80 EUR
Chinese 101 in Cartoons (For CEOs) Intendet for foreign business persons or managers who basically have no command of Chinese; with MP3; Format: 21 x 14,5 cm; 118 Seiten; Paperback; ISBN: 9787802004085; Best.Nr.: 32.295 12,80 EUR
Chinese Characters: A Systematic Approach Textbook Chinese characters are a difficult yet integral part of learning Chinese. The teaching of characters is relatively weak in the present system of Chinese language training and is urgently in need of... 24,50 EUR
Chinesisch 2008-Grundkenntnisse Chinesisch 2008-Grundkenntnisse, mit 1 CD, ISBN: 9787107207457, Format: 19 cm x 10,5 cm, 138 Seiten, Der Intensivkurs Chinesisch 2008 zum Einüben praktischer chinesischer Kommunikation ist in fünf ... 9,80 EUR