Wir Lernen Chinesisch I, Arbeitsbuch Übungsbuch zum Chinesisch-Lernen, Deutsche Version. ISBN 9787107191336 (7-107-19133-0) Es gibt auch englische Version. Format 28 x 21,5cm, 170 Seiten, Best. Nr.: 32.086 14,50 EUR
New Path Getting over Chinese Grammar New Path Getting over Chinese Grammar, ISBN 9789802002630, Sinolingua Press, Englisch- Chinesisch, Format 26 x 18cm, 89 Seiten, Best. Nr.: 32.195 9,80 EUR
Emergency Talk Emergency Talk, ISBN: 9787802002241 (7-80200-224-9), Sinolingua, von Li Shujuan, mit einer CD, Text mit Pinyin, Format 18,50 x 13 cm, 213 Seiten, Inhalt: auf dem Flughafen, Unterkunft, Essen, Frage... 8,90 EUR
IT Talk IT Talk, ISBN: 9787802002258 (7-80200-225-7), Sinolingua, mit einer CD, Text mit Pinyin, Format 18,50 x 13 cm, 213 Seiten, Best.Nr.32.181 8,90 EUR
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Leisure Talk-Talk Chinese Series Leisure Talk-Talk Chinese Series, ISBN 9787802003798 (7-80200-379-8), chinese-english, with this book you will learn spoken Mandarin for a wide-range of leisure and entertainment situations. It has... 9,50 EUR
Travel Talk-Talk Chinese Series Travel Talk-Talk Chinese Series, ISBN 9787802003781 (7-80200-378-1), chinese-english, with this book you will learn spoken Mandarin for a wide-range of travel situations. It has 15 units which cove... 9,50 EUR
Shopping Talk-Talk Chinese Series Shopping Talk-Talk Chinese Series, ISBN 9787802003774 (7-80200-377-4), chinese-english, with this book you will learn spoken Mandarin for a wide-range of shopping situations. It has 15 units which cover shopping at shopping centers, department stores, fast-food restaurants, ... You will learn the best way to deal with all these common situations when you explore one of the world's most fascinating countries. Format 18,5 x 13cm, 195 pages, with 1 MP3-CD. Best.Nr. 32.216 9,50 EUR