Office Talk-Talk Chinese Series Office Talk-Talk Chinese Series, ISBN 9787802003804 (7-80200-380-4), chinese-english, with this book you will learn spoken Mandarin for a wide-range of situations. It has 15 units which cover job interviews, first day at work, resignation, ... You will learn the best way to deal with all these common situations when you explore one of the world's most fascinating countries. Format 18,5 x 13cm, 155 pages, with 1 MP3-CD. Best.Nr. 32.217 9,50 EUR
Daily Life Talk ISBN 9787802003811, Chinesisch--Pinyin--Englisch, mit 1 MP3-CD, Format 18,5cm x 13cm, 171 Seiten, Best.Nr. 32.218 9,50 EUR
Chinesische Konversation 301 (I) Chinesische Konversation 301 (I), ISBN: 9787561916322 (7-5619-1632-9), 200 Seiten, nun haben wir die deutsche Ausgabe auch in unser Sortiment aufgenommen, die englische Ausgabe ist hingegen aus dem... 12,70 EUR
CDs zur Chinesische Konversation 301 (I) CDs zur Chinesische Konversation 301 (I), ISBN 9787887032706, 3 CDs, Best. Nr. CD38.330 9,80 EUR
Chinesische Konversation 301 (II) Chinesische Konversation 301 (II), ISBN 9787561916452 (7-5619-1645-0), deutsch- chinesisch, Format 24 x 18cm, 224 Seiten, Best. Nr. 38.331 Es gibt auch CDs dazu. Best.Nr. CD38.331 14,80 EUR
CDs zur Chinesische Konversation 301 (II) CDs zur Chinesische Konversation 301 (II), ISBN 9787887032713, 3 CDs, Best. Nr. CD38.331 9,80 EUR
China Panorama - Approaching Chinese 1 China Panorama - Approaching Chinese, Book 1, ISBN 9787801264169 (7-80126-416-9), Chinese-English, China Panorama is a series of Chinese textbooks prepared by a group of TCFL experts invited by The Development Centre for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Under the Ministry of Education of P.R. China, specially designed for anyone who is keen to learn Chinese. Format 28,50 x 21cm, 226 Seiten, Best. Nr. 32.201 18,00 EUR
China Panorama - Approaching Chinese 2 China Panorama - Approaching Chinese, Book 2, ISBN 9787801264176 (7-80126-417-7), Chinese-English, China Panorama is a series of Chinese textbooks prepared by a group of TCFL experts invited by The Development Centre for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Under the Ministry of Education of P.R. China, specially designed for anyone who is keen to learn Chinese. Format 28,50 x 21cm, 298 Seiten, Best. Nr. 32.202 22,00 EUR
China Panorama - Approaching Chinese 3 China Panorama - Approaching Chinese, Book 3, ISBN 9787801265012 (7-80126-501-7), Chinese-English, China Panorama is a series of Chinese textbooks prepared by a group of TCFL experts invited by The Development Centre for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Under the Ministry of Education of P.R. China, specially designed for anyone who is keen to learn Chinese. Format 28,50 x 21cm, 278 Seiten, Best. Nr. 32.203 22,00 EUR
Intensiver Sprachkurs Intensiver Sprachkurs gehört zur Buchreihe Ein neuer Weg ins Chinesisch, erleichtert Studenten dabei, die chinesische Umgangssprache zu lernen und sich mit Chinesen umgangssprachlich zu verständige... 14,50 EUR