Reform determines future of China Reform determines future of China, Paperback, ISBN: 9787119027388 (7-119-02828-7), Format 20 x 14 cm, 421 Seiten, 2000, Best.Nr. 36.542 9,90 EUR
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A Century of Chinese exclusion abroad A century of Chinese exclusion abroad, von Iyao Shen, Verlag für fremdsprachige Literatur, ISBN: 9787119020495 (7-119-02049-8), Format 22.8 x 15 cm, 257 Seiten, Best.Nr.36.292 9,90 EUR
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2007 Evaluation Report on China's Reform 2007 Evaluation Report on China's Reform, ISBN 9787119050782, Annual Report on Reform, China Institute for Reform and Development, English, Compared with previous years, this year's report has continued our past style but is more concise. Apart from the Introduction, the reports deal with reforms in rural areas, enterprises, the macroeconomic system, social structure and administrative system. Authors of the various chapters are all specialists with in-depth knowledge of their areas and authorities in their fields. To best reflect their academic views, the report maintains the authors' individual viewpoints and styles..., Format 23cm x 15cm, 296 pages, Best.Nr. L285 34,50 EUR
Documents of the 17. National Congress of the C.P. Documents of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, ISBN 9787119051406, English, Foreign Languages Press, Format 22,2cm x 15,2cm, 275 pages, Best.Nr. L301 29,50 EUR
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