Experiencing Chinese100--Bussiness Communication in China (mit 1CD); ISBN:9787040205213 ; Erste Auflage im 2007; 205 Seiten; Format:21,5 x 13,3cm ;The "Experiencing Chinese100"series contains phrases pertaining to living,studing,training,sports,popular Chinese idiom,Chinese traditional medicine,culture communication,offical communication,bussiness communication and many more areas of interest.This book is "Experiencing Chinese 100--Bussiness Communication in China". In this book,we have chosen 100 representative sentences commonly used in business and divided them into ten categories.Studying these sentences will help learners of the Chinese language use basic laguage skills to settle questions arising from their companies,commercial exchanges ,finance,maketing,trade and other activities. This bokk has been arranged according to the different functions of the sentences,including Human Resources,Company Organization,Business Communication,R&D and Production,Marketing,Financial Record,Securities Market,Information Management,Financial Service ,and International Trade.Sentences chosen and arranged under the above ten categories are not only practical ,but also widely applicable .They will contributed to learners' further exploration into the Chinese language in the future. Best.Nr.:L636