Experiencing Chinese100--Studing in China (mit 1CD) ; ISBN:9787040205206 ; 205 Seiten ; Format: 21,6 x 13,3 cm ; The "Experiencing Chinese100"series contains phrases pertaining to living,studing,training,sports,popular Chinese idiom,Chinese traditional medicine,culture communication,offical communication,bussiness communication and many more areas of interest.This book is "Experiencing Chinese 100--Studying in China". Based on the life of the students abroad,this book has selected 17 kinds of situations or settings possible in the life of the overseas students in China,resolving all difficulties that may arise.All the sentences are written in Chinese and Pinyin with English translations and annotations .In addition,the book contains the Notes written in English for the reader's convenience.Each sentence has a simple and easily studied substition drill,helping to familiarize yourself with the sentence pattern and expand your vocabulary.Every sentence has with it related helpful notes,providing convenient and practical knowledge for your life of study in China. Best.Nr.: L634