Learn Chinese with me -- workbook 3 ; ISBN: 9787107182297; People Education Press ; 153 Seiten; Format: 28 x 21,2 cm ; Paperback ; As a supplement to Learn Chinese with Me --Student's Book 3,this book is mainly designed for homework.However,these exercises can also at the teacher's discretion be used as classwork.There are altogether 6 units ,each of which contains four lessons,with a total of 24 lessons in all.There eight to ten exercises in each lesson.The exercises test the students' knowledge of Pinyin , Chinese characters,vocabulary and sentence patterns,etc. We have kept in mind the following priciples : 1. In term of vocabulary: In accordance with the textbook,an exercise is provided that focus on the recognition and pronunciation of the vocabulary introduced in the lesson. In this exercise the students are required to choose the correct Pinyin for the given words and to be able to write some important characters and words.They are also required to translate the English words into Chinese and vice versa. 2. In terms of Chinese characters: This wrkbook,in accordance with the textbook,emphasizes the basic structures, basic strockes , common components and stroke order of Chinese characters.There is one such exercise in each unit,thus six in all. 3. We insured that the introduction of Chinese is done in an integraded and systematic way;at the same time ,we tried to make every exercise interesting.Therefore ,we added some pictures and other amusing forms of exercises. Best.Nr.32.259