HSK(Children) Simulated Examination Papers HSK(Children) Simulated Examination Papers, ISBN 9787301087282 (7-301-08728-4), mit 2 CDs, Format 26cm x 18,5cm, Best.Nr. L225 9,80 EUR
Monkey King Chinese-Word Cards Monkey King Chinese-Word Cards, ISBN 9787561917114, LehrnKarten mit Chinesisch und Pinyin, Format 12,5cm x 12cm, 72 Seiten, Best.Nr. L226 4,80 EUR
Monkey King Chinese 1 Monkey King Chinese 1, ISBN 9787561916551, English-Pinyin, or children below 7 years old, inkl. 1 CD, Format 17cm x 18,5cm, 51 Seiten, Best. Nr. L227 7,80 EUR
Chinese Character Cards Vol. I, II Chinese Character Flash Cards Vol. I, II, ISBN 9787538615340, Chinesish und Englisch, insgesammt 200 Flash Karte. Format 8,5cm x 8,5cm, Best.Nr. L257 6,40 EUR
Chinese for Children I Chinese for Children I, ISBN 9787301078761, Chinese-Pinyin, Peking University Press, with 1 CD, Format 26cm x 18,5cm, 52 pages, Best.Nr. L261 6,80 EUR
Chinese for Children II Chinese for Children II, ISBN 9787301078785 (7-301-07878-1), Chinese-Pinyin, Peking University Press, with 1 CD, Format 26cm x 18,5cm, 52 pages, Best.Nr. L262 6,80 EUR